14:15, 23 March 2009 | GMT +5
Indonesian plane makes emergency landing
JAKARTA. March 23. KAZINFORM An Indonesia passenger plane made an emergency landing in Hang Nadim Airport, Batam of Sumatra province, after taking off, a private news portal quoted an airport official as saying on Monday.
"The plane made an emergency landing," the airport public relation official, Hendrawan told detikcom, adding that all passengers are safe.
He said that the plane's left machine was damaged as told by a pilot.
"The cause of the damage is still investigated and the plane is grounded," he said.
An official at the Sriwijaya Air carrier said that the Boeing 737-300 is suitable to fly.
Passengers said while they were in the air, they were not informed that the plane suffered a machine damage. Officials gave the information after they landed.
A passenger told the news portal that the carrier offered another plane to transport them but they refused it, Kazinform cites Xinhua.