16:21, 20 September 2013 | GMT +5
Industrialization Map's 15 projects out of action
ASTANA. September 20. KAZINFORM - 15 projects of the Industrialization Map have been problematic, this has been announced today at a meeting by the Deputy Chairman of the Investment Committee of the Ministry of Industry and New Technologies of Kazakhstan Sergey Karplyuk.

"Among 563 commissioned projects 446 work according to the plan, thus, 15 initiatives (3%) are out of action", said Karplyuk.
Three of the projects are being implemented in the East Kazakhstan, two in Aktobe and South Kazakhstan regions and one proposal in some regions of the country.
"In most cases, the failure in the projects' implementation relates to the errors of the entrepreneurs. For example, as a result of uncoordinated actions and disagreements among the founders of the proposal on the construction of Aksai industrial park, the object was not introduced in a timely manner", said the Deputy Chairman of the committee.