18:04, 03 December 2009 | GMT +5
Inflation in Astana is at 4.9% - Mayor I. Tasmagambetov
ASTANA. December 3. KAZINFORM /Damir Baimanov/ Inflation in Astana makes 4.9% to date that is 0.2% lower of the republican level, Kazinform has learnt from Mayor of the city Imangali Tasmagambetov who said it at a session of the Astana Affiliate of Nur Otan People's Democratic Party.

According to him, the volume of gross regional product made KZT 541.5 bln since the year beginning. The industrial enterprises of the city manufactured products and provided services to the sum of around KZT 80 bln. The actual volume index made 93.4% against the same period in 2008.
Investments to the main capital comprised KZT 245 bln over 11 months of 2009.
The volume of retail turnover makes KZT 167 bln that is 15.5% lower against the same period last year, Tasmagambetov noted.