Innovative Decade forum opens in Astana

The organizers of the Forum are "National Agency for Technological Development " JSC with the support of "National Holding " Baiterek " JSC and the Ministry of Industry and New Technologies of the Republic of Kazakhstan .
Forum participants are representatives of the Government and local authorities, heads of national holding and national companies, development institutions and research institutes, businesses and innovative entrepreneurs, international experts and foreign partners. Thus, the Forum brought together developers and operators of innovation policy instruments of state innovation, and those for whom these tools are designed.
In his speech, the Deputy Prime Minister - Minister of Industry and New Technologies Asset Issekeshev noted that Kazakhstan had made significant steps towards the knowledge economy, which is also reflected in the key indicators of system innovation, the majority of which in 2012 Kazakhstan reached a historic high. Compared with 2009, more than 5-fold have increased costs for technological innovation of enterprises - up to 2 billion dollars ( from 61 to 326 billion). Also, more than 4-fold has increased volume of innovative products - up to 2.5 billion dollars ( from 82 to 379 billion). The share of GDP rose to 1.25 % (2009 - 0.51 % 2011 - 0.86 %).
Productivity in the manufacturing sector increased by one-third ( 34 %) up to 51 thousand dollars per worker. The share of innovation active enterprises increased from 4% to 7.6 %.
In addition, the rating of the WEF GCI (Global Competitiveness Index of the World Economic Forum ) has strengthened the position of Kazakhstan. Thus, according to the Global Competitiveness Report for 2013-2014, Kazakhstan compared to the previous year has strengthened its position by 1 point, and entered the top 50 of the 148 countries of the world. Thus, Kazakhstan has the second result in the CIS after Azerbaijan ( 39th place).
A significant improvement in the position of Kazakhstan is observed by a factor of "Innovation", in which Kazakhstan has improved its ranking by 19 positions and finished 84th. According to subfactors "Innovation Potential " the country also rose to 74th place, increasing the rating by 18 positions.
For such a subfactor as "Expenses companies on research and development ," Kazakhstan gained 17 positions and rose to 77th place on "cooperation between universities and businesses in the field of R & D" rating of our country climbed 11 positions up ( 79th ), according to "the State procurement of high-tech products", observed an improvement of 13 places ( 58th place ).
According to Chairman of the Board of "Baiterek " NH Kuandyk Bishimbaev, NATD has recently entered the holding structure: "The Agency has become a key institution in the development of innovation in the country. At the same time we will continue to work together to enhance the effectiveness of development institution, " said K. Bishimbayev .