Inspire Fest in Astana supports and advises aspiring artists

Inspire Fest supports and advises aspiring artists
Inspire Fest in Astana Photo credit: Arman Aisultan/Kazinform

On May 3, 2024, the Astana Hub hosted the “Inspire Fest: Our Steps into the Future” event, organized by American Corner & Makerspace Astana with the support of the US Embassy in Kazakhstan, Chevron Kazakhstan, Astana HUB and the Inspire Fest team, Kazinform News Agency correspondent reports.

The event presented a social project aimed at supporting talented young people and developing various fields of art. During the event, participants had the opportunity to present their work to the public and discuss it with industry professionals.

Among the guests were representatives of the US Embassy in Kazakhstan and cultural figures of Kazakhstan.

The main concept of Inspire Fest this year was the idea of ​​highlighting the importance of art and the development of new technologies for Kazakh culture and the intellectual development of the country. The event became a platform for creativity and dialogue, where the work of emerging artists could inspire and change the world, expand cultural diversity in the country and enhance the significance of Kazakhstani identity through art and culture.

The event included sessions with art industry specialists, an exhibition of paintings from 8 countries in digital and traditional formats, installations from Nazarbayev University students, a master class on 3D printing from FabLab, as well as interactive zones: VR and GameDev Zone.

The exhibition features works by artists from various countries, including Kazakhstan, Finland, Ukraine, Armenia, Slovakia, the Czech Republic and the USA.

Inspire Fest supports and advises aspiring artists
Silk Steps of the Steeps by Veera Romanoff (Finland). Photo credit: Arman Aisultan/ Kazinform

The presentation of the project by the American artist Oxana Akopov and Kazakhstani children, whose drawings were processed by artificial intelligence and came to life to the sounds of Dauletkerei kui performed by Samet Bisengaliev, also took place as part of the event. The works of students of Kulanshi Art Center in Astana and schoolchildren's house No. 1 in Almaty were used.

Inspire Fest supports and advises aspiring artists
Credit: taken from video by Elmira Kandykbaeva
Inspire Fest in Astana
Rezyuk Bogdan's drawing (above) and the work done using AI (below). Credit: taken from video by Elmira Kandykbaeva

Elmira Kandykbaeva, art curator of the Inspire Fest, made a presentation during which she shared practical advice for young artists. She emphasized that creating a work of art is more than just writing a piece of work.

“An artist must be a researcher and a philosopher. Their voice and art must be heard and seen to exist,” says Kandykbaeva.

Inspire Fest supports and advises aspiring artists
Elmira Kandykbaeva, art curator of the Inspire Fest. Photo credit: Arman Aisultan/ Kazinform

Kandykbaeva drew attention to the importance of relying on the heritage of world art and rethinking it in own vision. In addition, the art director noted that selling contemporary art is a dialogue, as a result of which a way of thinking is acquired, masterfully executed.

She concluded by emphasizing the importance of being able to communicate effectively in the arts environment, using your cover letter, portfolio, bio, resume, manifesto, and your works to promote yourself.

Inspire Fest supports and advises aspiring artists
Q&A Session. Photo credit: Arman Aisultan/ Kazinform

After the presentation, a question-and-answer session took place, during which the artists answered questions from the audience.

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