Institute of Space NGO opens in Kazakhstan

ASTANA. July 5. KAZINFORM - The Department of Justice in Astana has registered a new public association named "Institute of Space."

As told to our agency by the initiator of creating this institution, a test cosmonaut of Kazakhstan Aydin Aimbetov "Institute of Space" (IGC) is a non-profit organization, and a voluntary association of individuals. Its main task is oriented to acitve promotion of implementing the state policy in formation of the space industry of Kazakhstan.

In accordance with the charter of the public association, the decision to join the NGO is adopted at a general meeting of its members, and the association has already been joined by more than fifteen people.

According to A. Aimbetov, establishment of a social organization representing the interests of Kazakhstan's space is due to time.

"Kazakhstan is developing its own national space industry and its support by the public is necessary now", he said.

By the way, with the unanimous decision of the members of the organization the honorary president of the "Institute of Space" has been elected the head of Kazkosmos Talgat Musabayev.

NGO members are planning to participate in development and implementation of space and educational projects and programs to promote human resource development of space industry, conduct propaganda achievements of space activities, and to shape public opinion.

"Institute of Space" is also preparing to establish and make its own awards.

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