13:45, 01 December 2010 | GMT +5
International Commission to name causes of Kyrgyzstan conflict in Jan, 2011 - R.Otunbayeva
ASTANA. December 1. KAZINFORM /Kanat Kulshmanov/ The International Commission will name causes of the conflict in Kyrgyzstan in January, 2011. Kyrgyzstan President Roza Otunbayeva has announced it.
The Kyrgyz President reminded that in May-June radical forces of the previous power tried to take revenge jointly with criminal extremist groups and have provoked violent clashes between representatives of the Kyrgyz and Uzbek nationalities.
"A work of the State Commission on investigation of causes of the conflict is under completion. Unprecedented international commission supported by the UN, OSCE, EU and governments of a number of the European states and the USA started its own investigation. Its results are expected by the end of January, 2011", R.Otunbayeva said at the OSCE Summit in Astana.