International community appraises Kazakhstan's readiness for constructive dialog on integrated water resources management - UNDP expert

ASTANA. December 14. KAZINFORM /Timur Bekturganov/ The international community estimates Kazakhstan's openness and readiness for a constructive dialog on the issues of the integrated water resources management in Central Asia. UNDP Water Programme Coordinator for Central Asia Natalia Alexeeva has voiced such estimation of Kazakhstan's position on such topical issue on Monday in Astana.

The issues of the trans-border dialog and water resources management were discussed in the UN Representation Office in Astana at the seminar organized on the initiative of the un with the EU financial support.

As the organizers note, the event marks launching of the joint three-year project in Kazakhstan, which is aimed at support of the trans-border dialog in the Ili-Balkhash River Basin.

Representatives of the Kazakh ministries and departments, international organizations, diplomatic missions accredited in the country, scientific and expert circles discussed the project goals and such events planned within its framework like analysis of the political management and institutional structure of the River Basin and etc.

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