14:40, 02 April 2009 | GMT +5
International conference for industrial innovation development held in Semey
SEMEY. April 2. KAZINFORM /Lina Slavina/ An international conference ?Industrial Development of Kazakhstan: Economic, Legal and Social Aspects? was held in Semey at Kainar University.
Representatives of Kazakhstan's Ministry of Education and Science, the Yertis Social Entrepreneurship Corporation and lecturers of Kazakhstan and Russian universities took part in the conference.
The participants of the conference discussed a range of issues regarding innovations in different fields. Two projects ? ?Formation of innovative advisory service in Irtysh region? and ? Nuclear Technologies Park JSC - Transfer and promotion of innovative projects? ? stirred special interest among the participants of the conference.
The work of the conference was accompanied by on-line transmission of video-materials with Novosibirsk State Technical University.
The participants also talked about the problems of industrial innovation development of the Irtysh region, the legal aspects of the industrial innovation policy, and the role of innovative technologies in industrial development of the country.