International Congress of students and young scientists lives up to our expectations

ALMATY. April 29. KAZINFORM /Sara Mustafina/ In Rector of the Kazakh National al-Farabi University, academician Bakytzhan Zhumagulov?s view the scope, scale and geography of the International Congress of students and young scientists are impressing.
It is a very remarkable fact that this Congress has taken place in the cathedral of the Kazakh science, in the Kazakh National University, the Rector of the University says. According to him, among many other activities devoted to the 75th anniversary of the University, this scientific forum is of particular importance. The University actively develops the basic research in priority areas of modern science, makes a worthy contribution to the development of the society, culture and education. In fact, the University is not only an education center; it is also a modern research center generating new ideas based on the achievements of world science. We were the first in Kazakhstan and CIS countries to introduce credit technology of instruction based on the powerful corporate Intranet - 15 km fiber optic cable, tens of thousands of computers, powerful software, high-speed Internet access. So far the Kazakh National University is the only owner of such system. We conducted an international quality management system certification, ten education programs on science were accredited in Germany and we are planning to obtain accreditation on humanities. This means that our students can go to any foreign university with the similar curriculum and take this or that course, Bakytzhan Zhumagulov says. Thus, there is one of the 15 national engineering laboratories and National Nano Laboratory, more than 20 research institutes and centers, where students and post graduates together with leading scientists have the opportunity to create and implement new advanced, revolutionary technology and innovation in the field of sciences, Nanotechnology and engineering. The University acquired the unique devices - scanning probe microscopes ?Integra Terma? and ?Integra Spectra?, scanning electron microscope to study the structure of solids, which will provide new and important results. Also for the first time in Kazakhstan, in the ?Scientific Research Institute for Mathematics and Mechanics? of our University, a computer complex(URSA)was installed and put into operation. High performance computing system will reduce time of calculation tasks and increase the volume of information. Last year more than 600 million tenge was spent for equipping the laboratories with modern equipment, the Rector says. 350 students and future MBs are engaged in carrying out the research work with pay in basic, national scientific-technical programs ?The development of nuclear power in the Republic of Kazakhstan?, ?Scientific and technical support for the establishment and operation of ?Tokamak? fusion reactor in Kurchatov", ?The development of Nanosciences and nanotechnologies in the Republic of Kazakhstan?, ?International cooperation in the field of science?, ?The development of modern technologies for the formation of a biotechnology cluster in the Republic of Kazakhstan?. The university developed an effective system of promoting the students? scientific activities. The students, who have publications in foreign journals, are awarded prizes. The University scientific society was founded in 1948, and the Council of young scientists - in 1972. A dozen well-known people were members of this society. Today this society unites 180 scientific circles, that are able to create additional conditions for realization of the scientific potential of youth. Consolidation of the student unions? activities in this direction may give significant results. The Congress allows the students to gain experience in presenting their research work, share skills in scientific research. The Congress of the students will contribute to the creation of new forms of associations like student-design offices, business incubators, and debate clubs, developing existing and establishing new links between the student organizations of the country. The Congress will be a starting point for establishing new traditions, building confidence in the correctness of the choice. Our University is ready to provide opportunities to realize the creative potential of the talented youth. We want to generate the best minds and best ideas of our time. We have all conditions for it, the Rector says.
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