Iran considers Russia and China's decision to block the UN Security Council draft resolution on Syria to be justified
"The UN Security Council turned into an instrument, which allows the West to put pressure on individual countries. At this time, Russia and China are opposed to this." Adopted resolution on Syria "would be an interference in the internal affairs of Syria." "Such questions are not within the competence of the UN Security Council," - said Salehi.
According to him, the veto Russia and China imposed on the draft resolution on Syria, should be considered to be "a signal to the West indicating that it is unacceptable to use the UN Security Council as its instrument." The foreign Minister said that the U.S. blocked more than 60 documents with anti-Israeli content in the UN Security Council, which "is clear evidence of bias and partiality."
On February 4, Russia and China used their veto power when voting in the UN Security Council on a version of draft resolution on Syria introduced by the Moroccan delegation. The resolution, co-authored by 7 countiries that are members of the Council, had the support of 13 members of the Council, with 2 voting against it. To be adopted the resolution had to be supported by 9 out of 15 members of the Security Council, provided that the veto would not be used by any of the "five" of its permanent members - Britain, China, Russia, USA and France.