08:08, 16 April 2009 | GMT +5
Iran says S-300 missile deal with Russia on track
MOSCOW. April 16. KAZINFORM There are no obstacles to the delivery of Russian S-300 surface-to-air missile systems to Tehran, Iran's deputy foreign minister said on Wednesday; Kazinform refers to RIA Novosti.

"There are no problems with this [S-300] contract," Mehdi Safari said at the end of his visit to Moscow.
He offered no specifics about the contract's implementation, but dismissed concerns voiced by a number of countries over possible S-300 deliveries to Iran.
"After all, these are purely defensive weapons, and any country has the right to buy them. I believe this could only worry those states that have plans to attack others," he said.
A Russian arms export official said last month Iran had not yet received any S-300 air defense systems; Kazinform cites RIA Novosti.
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