Iran, Turkey to ink $ 3bn power deal

Houshang Falahatian, Iran’s Deputy Energy Minister for Energy and Electricity Affairs, reported on negotiations between Iran and Turkey over inking a deal worth three billion dollars to construct generating plants; “Iran will sign the contract with Turkish companies for building several powerhouses.”
The official said the generating stations to be established will have a total production capacity of 5000 megawatts.
He also invited Turkish firms to make investments in Iran’s gas and wind power plants asserting “Iran’s contracts with the neighboring country in other areas have not become finalized yet.”
“Currently, a total of 350 megawatts of Iran’s electricity is being exported to Tukey per day,” maintained Falahatian expressing hope that the volume of electricity exchange between the two countries will reach 1200 megawatts in the coming one and a half years.
Touching upon gas export to Turkey, deputy energy minister said negotiations for future rounds of bilateral collaborations can be held on the basis of existing deals.