08:54, 05 May 2009 | GMT +5
?Israel abusing Gaza patients?
RAMALLAH. May 5. KAZINFORM. Israel?s Shin Beth internal security service has increased its interrogations of people seeking to leave Hamas-run Gaza for medical treatment, a rights group said in a report yesterday; Kazinform refers to Arab News.

Data collected by Physicians for Human Rights-Israel ?indicates a rise in the number of Palestinian patients interrogated and forced to provide information as a precondition to exit Gaza for medical care,? it said.
?Between January 2008 and March 2009, at least 438 patients have been summoned for... interrogations... as a precondition for the review of their applications for an exit permit for the purpose of accessing medical treatment outside of the strip,? it said.
?In some cases, patients report threats leveled at them that if they proceed to interrogations they will be harmed,? it said.
This year the UN is examining Israel as well as Chad, Chile, Honduras, Nicaragua and the Philippines as part of periodic reviews that it does of all nations.
A spokesman for the Israeli prime minister?s office, which oversees the Shin Beth, rejected the report?s accusations.
Physicians for Human Rights claimed that Israeli practices violated the International Treaty Against Torture and general codes of Medical Ethics, and that the situation was worsening; Kazinform cites Arab News. See www.arabnews.com for full version.