It is impractical to build new thermal power plants, Kazakh National Nuclear Centre director

Erlan Batyrbekov
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Director of the Kazakh National Nuclear Centre Erlan Batyrbekov revealed how the largest global economies, such as the U.S., China and France, gradually shift away from traditional and old energy sources. They build nuclear reactors instead of that, Kazinform News Agency reports.

He said there are 416 operable power reactors in 32 countries. Together they have a capacity of 375 GW. With 96 nuclear reactors, the U.S. is the world's largest nuclear power producer, followed by China and France with 56 reactors each.

Kazakhstan boasts advantages in this sphere as one of the largest uranium suppliers, the fuel supplied for nuclear reactors. However, Kazakhstan still uses old heat energy sources and suffers from a scarcity of electricity. It may face electricity shortages of up to 3 GW by 2035.

The key generating capacities of Kazakhstan are thermal sources built as far as back in the days of the Soviet Union that need changing, he said.

He stressed the need to focus on other energy sources. Green energy has its peculiarities and limitations. He views the constriction of new thermal power plants as impractical. The only solution is a transition to nuclear power.

Batyrkhanov said the thermal power epoch in Kazakhstan as well as worldwide is gradually approaching its logical conclusion. Today the country’s energy system badly needs new basic generating capacities, modernization and diversification at large.

As earlier reported, in an exclusive interview with Kazinform News Agency director of the National Nuclear Center Erlan Batyrbekov shared his view on electricity shortage, the practicality of a nuclear power station construction in Kazakhstan and the latest nuclear reactor technologies.


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