21:44, 10 January 2022 | GMT +5
Italy's tougher new COVID-19 rules kick in
ROME. KAZINFORM - The Italian government's new measures seeking to combat COVID-19 contagion, which virtually put people unvaccinated for the coronavirus into a sort of lockdown, kick in on Monday, ANSA reports.
It is now necessary to have the so-called Super Green Pass, which shows that a person is vaccinated for COVID-19 or has recovered from it on the last six months, to access bars, restaurants, hotels and travel on buses, trains, planes and ships.
Furthermore, the government is also making the Super Green Pass obligatory for all over-50s as they are considered especially vulnerable if hey contract the virus..
As things stand, it will remain possible for unvaccinated people under 50 to access place of work by having the 'base' Green Pass, which can be obtained by having a negative COVID test although it is only valid for a few days.