Japan goes without nuclear power for 1st time in 42 years

TOKYO. May 6.  KAZINFORM Japan's last operating commercial nuclear reactor went offline Saturday night for mandatory routine maintenance, leaving the nation without atomic-generated electricity for the first time in 42 years in the wake of the quake-triggered Fukushima nuclear crisis 14 months ago.

The move comes as many in Japan are concerned about power shortage over the coming summer and negative effects on businesses due to the lack of nuclear energy, while Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda's government is struggling to persuade the public, which has grown wary of the safety of nuclear energy, to support government plans to resume nuclear power generation.

Hokkaido Electric Power Co. ended electricity generation at the No. 3 unit of its Tomari nuclear power plant in the northern Japanese prefecture at around 11 p.m., the utility said. The reactor was completely halted around 4 a.m. Sunday, Kyodo reports.

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