Japan imported 22.7 million barrels of crude oil from UAE in Dec

This accounts for 24.5% of Japan's total crude imports, the agency that belong to the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, said.
Saudi Arabia provided 39.437 million barrels, or 42.5 % of the total.
Meanwhile, Japan imported over 6 million barrels of crude oil from the United States last December 2018, marking a significant increase that put the U.S. in fourth place out of countries exporting to Japan.
According to the Agency for Natural Resources and Energy, American oil amounted to 6.6% of total imports, which constituted 92.8 million barrels in December.
Kuwait provided 5.5%. Oil from Iraq and Bahrain also increased in December to about 2 million barrels each, or 2.2% of total imports.
Oman and Algeria each provided 0.4% of total imports, or some 359 thousand barrels, meaning that in total Arab oil fed 86% of the oil needs of the Japanese economy during the month.
Other providers included Indonesia at 1.9%, Russia at 1.5% and Kazakhstan at 1.1%. Additionally, less than 0.05% each came from Mexico, Malaysia, Vietnam, Australia and Colombia.
Japan oil imports provide about 30% of the country's energy needs, according to official data.