Japan likely to see increased COVID-19 vaccine supply in April: Kono

TOKYO. KAZINFORM - Japan is likely to see increased supply of coronavirus vaccines in April when the government starts administering shots to the elderly, Taro Kono, minister in charge of vaccinations, said Sunday, Kyodo reports.

«I believe we can add a bit to a planned shipment for April,» Kono said on a Fuji Television Network program, saying the government is in negotiations on the matter with Pfizer Inc. of the United States.

Kono also said he expects the government to have enough COVID-19 vaccine supply so the elderly can receive their second shots in May and June.

The government plans to start administering shots to people aged 65 or older, a group of about 36 million people, on April 12.

Vaccinations will start on a small scale to work out any distribution and technical issues before ramping up nationwide from April 26.

«In the last week of April, we will deliver at least one box to all prefectures,» Kono said, in reference to a maximum 1,170 doses of vaccines.

«Going ahead, we will ship in accordance with the volume of vaccinations,» he said.

On Feb. 17, Japan started inoculating an initial group of 40,000 health workers in the first phase of its vaccination program.

Inoculation of a further 4.7 million front-line health care workers -- including doctors, nurses, paramedics and Self-Defense Forces personnel -- will begin in March, followed by people aged 65 or older.

People with preexisting conditions such as diabetes and those working at elderly care facilities will come next, and then finally the general population.

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