Japan to help Kazakhstan develop Strategy 2050 goals, Ambassador

Ambassador of Japan to Kazakhstan Masayoshi Kamohara shared his views with Kazinform journalist on cooperation between Kazakhstan and Japan.
Mr Ambassador, could you tell us about your impressions of Kazakhstan? Long before my ever first visit to Kazakhstan I heard that for the 20 years of its independence the country has made a great breakthrough and follows its way of high development rates. Walking around the city I saw buoyant construction activities running at full days and nights, I felt development energy.
How do you asses the current level of Kazakh-Japanese relations? I would like to start our conversation with the development of diplomatic relations. The countries saw frequent exchange of visits by high-ranking officials in recent years. The then Parliamentary Vice Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan Yukari Sato paid a visit to Astana last July. In turn, Deputy Prime Minister - Minister of Industry and New Technologies Aset Issekeshev visited Japan in February, the then Senate Speaker Kairat Mami in April. Last September President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev met with Prime Minister of Japan Shinzō Abe on the sidelines of the G 20 Summit in Saint Petersburg. I believe, the relations between the two countries will develop further. The annual meeting of the Asian Development Bank scheduled for this May in Astana gives promise that Kazakhstan and Japan will continue dynamic development of the high-level relations. Kazakhstan has secured a strong place in the international arena as a country involved in tackling regional and global issues such as stabilization of Afghanistan situation, disarmament and nonproliferation of weapons of mass destruction, environmental protection, etc. Japanese Government considers that Kazakhstan's course is crucial for ensuring stability and development of Central Asian region. We intend to further our dialogue and strengthen cooperation with Kazakhstan in various fields. As for the economic ties, Kazakhstan's export to Japan made USD 1 bln 130 mln in 2012 and Japan's import reached USD 758 mln 190 thousand that is 8.3% and 17.5% more than in 2011 correspondingly. Japan forwarded USD 622 mln of direct investments to Kazakhstan in 2011 that is 1.2% more against 2010. Besides, our countries can boast scientific and cultural exchange. Last year we held Day of Japanese Culture in Almaty, Japanese Cinema Festival in Almaty and Astana. We organized lectures of Japanese experts.
What are the most promising avenues for economic cooperation between Kazakhstan and Japan? Investments of Japanese companies possessing advanced technologies and their transfer to Kazakhstan are of great importance. Japan pays great attention to your country rich in natural resources. On the other hand, Kazakhstan targets at economic modernization though industrial diversification surmounting dependence on primary resources. Japan is ready to render all-round support to have these goals achieved.
Are there any Japanese companies participating in the Industrial and Innovation Development State Program of Kazakhstan?
Japan and Kazakhstan work jointly at the projects in uranium mining, crude oil and rare earth metals production. Another highlight is Toyota Company's project. It will launch Toyota Fortuner assembly plant in Kostanai. Its official opening is set for this spring. I hope the number of joint projects will grow to benefit both countries.
Will Japan be presented at the EXPO 2017 exhibition in Astana? The theme of EXPO 2017 is the Future Energy. Energy is an urgent theme for Japan for it has the edge in energy sector that is energy saving technologies and alternative energy. To that end the EXPO 2017 exhibition is of great significance and Japanese companies take a tender interest in it.
What could you say about the new Kazakhstan's 2050 Strategy initiated by President Nursultan Nazarbayev?
Your country aspires to further reforming of political, economic, social and other spheres and intends to join the top 30 developed countries of the world by 2050 following Kazakhstan's 2050 Strategy. Japan is determined as much as possible to render assistance in order to obtain the objectives set.
How do you assess Kazakhstan's development in the years following its independence? Japanese who know Kazakhstan were surprised to find rapid progress in various areas achieved for the last 22 years having conquered scarcity of goods, economic chaos and various difficulties befalling on the country immediately after gaining its sovereignty. Business circle of Japan shows great interest in your country with huge business potential. I hope the forthcoming international exhibition EXPO 2017 and other events will let the people of Japan know more not only about the country's rampant development but also about the aspects of the country's life and its people.
Thank you for the interveiw!