09:07, 21 April 2009 | GMT +5
Job fair at G. Washington University for Kazakh students
WASHINGTON. April 21. KAZINFORM Kazakhstan Embassy in the USA jointly with the US - Kazakhstan Business Association and the Kazakhstan Students Association organized a job fair for Kazakhstani students at the George Washington University.

According to the information of Kazakhstan Embassy in this country, the job fair attracted over 100 Kazakhstani students from different states. Also top managers of Chevron, Exxon Mobil, General Electric, Halliburton, McDermott Companies operating in Kazakhstan took part in the fair.
The purpose of the meeting was to present the human potential of Kazakhstan to American companies and let the students familiarize with American business in Kazakhstan's market, and survey the opportunities of employment in different sectors of the country's economy, particularly in technical and other spheres nowadays in demand.
Ambassador of Kazakhstan to the USA Yerlan Idrissov delivered a welcoming address to the guests of the fair, and proposed making it a good tradition in support of the Kazakhstani students to hold such events annually.
The representatives of the American corporations held vivid presentations of their goals and objectives, personnel selection criteria and requirements, career opportunities, current and planned projects in Kazakhstan and different trainings for young specialists.
The students showed excellent theoretical proficiency and took a keen interest both in a lot of issues, namely the US companies' business projects and interaction of these companies with Kazakhstan's NGOs and public agencies in environmental protection.
That very day there was held a simultaneous chess exhibition of international grandmaster from Kazakhstan Darmen Sadvakassov. World junior champion D. Sadvakassov is studying at the Carnegie Mellon University in the USA under the Bolashak program.
The game aroused great interest among the American students. Around 100 chess amateurs took part in the game. Kazakhstani grandmaster demonstrated the fineness of his talent and earned 19 victories with one standoff.