15:33, 23 December 2009 | GMT +5
“John Deere” company interested in establishment of assembly factory in Kazakhstan
ASTANA. December 23. KAZINFORM /Serik Sabekov/ American engineering company "John Deere" is interested in establishment of an assembly factory in Kazakhstan. Kazakh Minister of Industry and Trade Asset Issekeshev has said today at the session on engineering industry development in the Kazakh Government.

"The company announced that the decision on establishing of the assembly factory in Kazakhstan in the field of agricultural machinery was made", the Minister noted.
As A.Issekeshev noted, to date Kazakhstan has a choice in organization of combines assembling together with either German or Belarusian enterprises or "John Deere" Company.
According to the Minister, the great interest to the Kazakh engineering sector is taken by the foreign investors due to the establishment of the Custom Union between Kazakhstan, Russia and Belarus.