Junior doctors in England begin strike

Junior doctors in England begin strike
Photo credit: instagram.com/thebma

Junior doctors in England have commenced a five-day strike, marking their 11th walkout amid an ongoing pay dispute, reports Kazinform.

The British Medical Association (BMA) members began their protests at 07:00, with National Health Service (NHS) England warning of significant disruptions to routine hospital services.

The union stated that the strike was prompted by the lack of a credible new pay offer following the last walkout in February.

However, NHS leaders criticised the timing of this action, as it coincides with the week leading up to the General election. They noted that none of the political parties are currently in a position to resolve the dispute.

In May, the government and the BMA agreed to independent arbitration, but this process was put on hold when the election was called, prompting the union to initiate the protests.

The union is demanding a 35% pay increase, arguing that their earnings have risen below the rate of inflation for the past 15 years.

Junior doctors make up nearly half of the NHS medical workforce, with two-thirds of them being union members.

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