«KADEX-2014» to exhibit full-scale models of weapons

«At this time, the Ministry's priority is production development in the Republic of Kazakhstan. We cooperate with major manufacturers of military equipment including Airbus and Eurocopter. Moreover, we have established joint ventures with European and Turkish companies. Kazakh Ministry of Defense pays great attention to military-technical equipment of the army», said Deputy Minister of Defense Bahytzhan Abdraimov, speaking to foreign military representatives.
In addition, they discussed the activities of the Ministry planned for 2014. One of the major events for the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan is the III International Exhibition «KADEX». In the framework of «KADEX-2014 exhibition the participants will not only learn about the latest developments of the military-industrial companies but they will also be provided with a dialogue platform for business negotiations.
«To date, 115 companies from 15 states applied for a stand at the exhibition. This year we propose to put full-scale weapons, not maquettes. Global manufacturers will represented space elements, aircraft armament, missile defense systems, weapons and equipment for Army and Navy as well as means of communication», said Major General Talgat Zhanzhumenov.