KADEX-2016: JSC Kazakhstan Engineering signed deals worth KZT 45 bln (PHOTOS)

ASTANA. KAZINFORM JSC Kazakhstan Engineering has entered into long-term cooperation agreements with a number of foreign companies and Kazakhstani enterprises during the KADEX-2016 Exhibition in Astana. The total cost of the agreements is estimated at 45 bln tenge, Kazinform learnt from the Ministry of Defense.

Top officials of the JSC Kazakhstan Engineering (KAE) and heads of its subsidiary companies had over 40 meetings with the representatives of defense and industrial sectors  and leading foreign producers of armament and military equipment.

Thus, the Kazakh company signed a Road Map with JSC 405 АРЗ and JSC Russian Helicopters on implementation of joint projects  till 2020. The aim of the document is to expand post-sale maintenance of the helicopters assembled in Russia.

The second agreement was concluded with Russia’s Defense Systems company. The document provides for supply of electronic warfare systems for fighting with Repellent small unmanned aerial vehicles and Avtobaza-M over-ground electronic surveillance systems.

KAE agreed also on supply of infra-red lenses and thermal imagery cameras with Russia’s Edelweiss factory for their further use in unmanned aerial vehicles.    

 A memorandum of cooperation in communications and electronics was signed on the sidelines of KADEX-2016 between North Kazakhstan’s S.M.Kirov Plant  and Indian Elcom Innovations. A trilateral agreement of collaboration was signed between Petropavlovsk  Heavy Engineering Plant, LLP Kazakhstan Paramount Engineering and Israel’s Elbit Systems.

Uralsk-based Gidropribor and Spanish company SAES plan to launch joint production of naval mines. An appropriate memorandum was signed on the second day of the exhibition.

One of the largest contracts was inked by JSC Semey Engineering and MCM Pte Ltd and aims at delivery of conversion vehicles to Myanmar. One more memorandum aimed at export of modernized combat and civil vehicles was signed with Bulgarian Metalika Ab Ltd.

Ukraine’s Motor Sich and LLP Kazakhstan Aviation Industry agreed on transfer of technologies for modernizing MI-2 and MI-8 helicopters and engine overhaul for MI-8 helicopters. A contract on overhaul and modernization of  SU-25 was signed with Belarusian 558 Aicraft Repair Plant too.

Eurocopter Kazakhstan Engineering Ltd (ECKE) signed several  documents on possible supply of its helicopters to Kazakhstani companies and governmental structures. For instance,  ECKE entered into  memorandums of intentions on acquisition of 7 ЕС125 helicopters with the East Kazakhstan administration and with LLP KazMedAir on delivery of 18   ЕС130 helicopters. Along with this, the ECKE plans to carry out technical maintenance of EC145 copters belonging to JSC KazAviaSpas.

As reported earlier, KADEX-2016 Exhibition kicked off in Astana on June 2. JSC Kazakhstan Engineering is a co-organizer of the event. The company is represented at the Exhibition by 20 enterprises which showcase 42 units of combat vehicles and 95 units of military and civil products.


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