Karaganda rgn plans to create 150 thou jobs by 2025
The 2025 roadmap for Karaganda region factoring in the residents’ proposals has been elaborated by the Nur Otan party. Over 6,400 measures and 1,715 targeted indicators make up the roadmap.
Considering the region’s features, the seven priorities have been outlined, including social and economic development, youth support, crime rate reduction, and so on.
Addressing the Political Council session Kadisha Ospanova, First Deputy Chairwoman of the Nur Otan Party, stressed the importance of qualitative realization of the party’s election promises.
Karaganda region Governor Zhenis Kassymbek charged the chairmen of the party’s territorial offices, mayors and governors with take measures on the roadmap for implementing the election program of the Nur Otan party in Karaganda region in the seven priorities. The heads of regional administrations and city and district offices were instructed to provide qualitative and timely implementation of the indicators.