Kashagan development opens new era in oil and gas industry of Kazakhstan - Nazarbayev
The Head of State congratulated on completion of all works in one of the most important production facilities of the North-Caspian project to develop the first offshore field.
"Exactly 8 years ago we laid the first stone in the construction of a unique complex installation. Giving the plant the name "Bolashak" I put a special meaning to this name. We were moved by a strong belief that it would become a symbol of the future prosperity of Kazakhstan. Today one of the most significant milestones have been reached on the way to accomplishing this goal ", said Nursultan Nazarbayev.
The design capacity of Bolashak plant is 450 thousand barrels of oil and 9 billion cubic meters of gas per day.
"The launch of the plant will create more than 2.5 thousand new jobs. The development of the Kashagan opens a new era in the oil and gas industry in Kazakhstan. North-Caspian project is a prime example of effective international cooperation. Kashagan organically united in common purpose the world's largest oil companies. They have brought to our country rich experience and accumulated knowledge. Not so long ago at the meeting with foreign investors I noted that for those who innovate a special priority and support from the state are guaranteed. I confirm it today ", said the President of Kazakhstan, speaking at opening of the enterprise.