Kathmandu listed in Top10 places to visit in 2013

KATHMANDU. JanUARY 7. KAZINFORM Worldwide renowned travel advisory website--the tripadvisor.com--has listed Nepali capital Kathmandu in its top 10 best places to visit in Asia.

Headquartered in the USA, the travel website, which operates internationally, including the UK, France, Germany, China, Spain, India, Canada, Australia and Russia, has recently released its best 25 destinations in Asia to visit in 2013.

"Nepal's capital is surrounded by a valley full of historic sites, ancient temples, shrines, and fascinating villages," the website elaborates, Xinhua informs.

"Mingle with locals and animals amid Durbar Square's monuments, or join mountain trekkers in the bustling Thamel District. Explore shops for exquisite work by local artisans--carpets and paper prints are specialities."

While Siem Reap of Cambodia topped the chart, China's Beijing and Shanghai cities hold the respective second and third best places to travel in the year 2013.

Similarly, Goa of India is in sixth place and another Chinese city of Hong Kong occupies the eighth position. Moreover, Hanoi of Vietnam, Singapore, Chinese Xi'an, Chinese Taipei and Seoul are the other cities listed in the ranking.

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