KazAgro raised KZT 14, 5 mln in 1st q 2009 ? A. Mamytbekov

ASTANA. April 21. KAZINFORM /Aigul Tulekbayeva/ The lending amount through KazAgro group of companies was KZT 25,4 bln in the 1st quarter of 2009, Asylzhan Mamytbekov, Chairman of the Holding informed at the Government?s sitting today.
Funding of spring sowing campaigns including forward deals on grain purchase increased by 8% and amounted to KZT 21,1 mln, Mamytbekov reported. The Holding raised funds to amount of KZT 14,5 bln in the 1st q. KazAgro plans to create over 10, 000 jobs till the end of 2009. 662 job openings were provided during the reporting period, the Chairman said.
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