12:20, 14 March 2009 | GMT +5
Kazakh Ambassador held press conference in Minsk
MINSK. March 14. KAZINFORM Kazakh Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Belarus Anatoly Smirnov has held a press conference dedicated to the Kazakh President?s State-of-the-nation Address ?Through crisis to renovation and prosperity?; Kazinform refers to the Kazakh Embassy in Belarus.
The event quickened the Belarusian journalists' interest. Representatives of over 30 prints and e-media of Belarus attended it.
Opening the press conference, the Kazakh diplomat noted that the President?s annual messages became a good tradition. Their main purpose is summing up last year results and specification of prospects for future.
A.Smirnov told about the main provisions of this important document. In particular, it was noted, that Kazakhstan was one of the first states, which reacted on growing turbulence of the world economy and step-by-step realizes a program of anti-recessionary measures. In this connection Kazakhstan directed over KZT 2.7 trln to the development of the country?s economy.
According to A.Smirnov, the Kazakh President noted the necessity of implementation of a new plan of further economy modernization for ensuring post-crisis development. Over KZT 600 bln will be allotted to this plan realization, not counting transfers from the national Fund.
The journalists were presented information on a new plan of the post-crisis development of the country and on prospective projects implemented in Kazakhstan. Besides, A.Smirnov noted that the country will continue financing and implementation of the current investment prospective projects.
Finally, the Kazakh diplomat expressed confidence that Kazakhstan will get over all difficulties and tests in overcoming the crisis.
The journalists were interested not only in bilateral cooperation, but in the idea of the Kazakh Head of the State on introduction of the single regional currency, formation of the Customs Union, EurAsEC future and etc.