09:23, 23 April 2009 | GMT +5
Kazakh Ambassador met with Singapore newspapers editors
ASTANA. April 23. KAZINFORM. A meeting of Kazakh Ambassador to Singapore Yerlan Baudarbek-Kozhatayev with the Vice President of the Singapore Press Holdings and chief editors of the newspapers published in the English, Chinese and Malay languages, Kazinform refers to the press service of the Kazakh Foreign Ministry.

At the meeting the Diplomat told about the main provisions of Kazakhstan President?s Address to the Nation and the Government measures on meeting the world financial crisis.
The heads of the leading press of Singapore took special interest in the social aspects of the public policy of our country. It was highly appraised that in the global economic hardship Kazakhstan has a possibility to increase the volume of social payments, educational grants and loans, and to ensure further development of the social infrastructure.
The meeting participants stated that due to rich natural resources and vaforable geographical position Kazakhstan has a great potential develop the sphere of tourism and related industries.