15:46, 05 May 2009 | GMT +5
Kazakh Ambassador presented credentials to King of the Belgians Albert II
BRUSSELS. May 5. KAZINFORM /Yerzhan Ospanov/ Kazakh Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Yerik Utembayev has presented credentials to King of the Belgians Albert II in Brussels; Kazinform reports.

The Monarch appraised the policy conducted by Kazakhstan President Nursultan Nazarbayev and wished welfare to the Kazakhstanis. ?I always remember the warmth of a meeting with President Nazarbayev in Brussels in December, 2006?, he said.
At the meeting they exchanged opinions on further development of the Kazakh-Belgian trade-economic cooperation, political relations at the bilateral level and within the framework of international and regional organizations.
Albert II showed a keen interest in possible prospects of mutually beneficial partnership in the energy sphere. The Kazakh Ambassador informed His Majesty of the course and further steps on the Kazakh industrial-innovation strategy implementation, including on development of the oil and gas sector, atomic energy, transport corridors and infrastructure. In this context the Kazakh side?s interest in the Belgian experience in the sphere of modernization of marine tanker fleet and port infrastructure using high technologies was noted.
In the course of the nuclear issues discussion the Monarch welcomed the Kazakh unprecedented contribution to ensuring the global security by the country?s voluntary renunciation of the world's fourth largest nuclear- missile arsenal. Y.Utembayev informed the King of President N.Nazarbayev?s proposal on placement of the nuclear fuel bank in Kazakhstan under the auspices of the IAEA. Albert II offered the Ambassador to visit the Belgian Nuclear Research Center for studying opportunities of cooperation in development of nuclear technologies for peaceful purposes.
At the meeting importance of activation of the two countries? political cooperation was emphasized, taking into account that Kazakhstan will chair in the OSCE in 2010, Belgium ? in the European Union in the second half of 2010.
The King informed of an upcoming visit of Prince Philippe to Baikonur Cosmodrome for participation in a launch ceremony of a space vehicle in May, 2009. The Monarch links great expectations with the Prince?s visit to Kazakhstan in 2011 heading a big business delegation.
Y.Utembayev, in his turn, noted significance of an upcoming visit of Antwerp province Governor Cathy Berx to Astana, Almaty and Aktau accompanied by heads of the largest Belgian companies. The Ambassador spoke for establishment of twin-city relations between Mangystau oblast and Antwerp province. The King welcomed this idea.
Y.Utembayev also spoke for financial institutions attraction, like the European Investment Bank, for joint projects implementation.
The Ambassador offered to consider an opportunity of the Kazakh-Belgian Business Council creation, members of which could elaborate and promote joint projects, which respond the parties? interests.
In the context of the foreign policy issues discussion the King was informed of the Kazakh President?s international initiatives directed to ensuring security and stability in the Central Asian region and in the whole world, priorities of the future chairmanship in the OSCE and Astana?s vision on prospects of resolving the situation around the Iranian nuclear issue and Afghanistan?s rehabilitation.
Kazakhstan?s striving for strengthening and expansion of cooperation with the European Union was especially emphasized. In this connection the Ambassador informed of Astana?s wish to negotiate with Brussels on the issue regarding signing of a new agreement on advanced partnership between Kazakhstan and the EU in the nearest time.
Finally, Y.Utembayev expressed hope, that the upcoming visit of Prince Philippe to Kazakhstan will give a new impulse to bilateral relations development. The Ambassador handed over to the King of the Belgians the book of President Nursultan Nazarbayev ?Kazakhstan?s way?.
The Monarch expressed gratitude to the Ambassador for the substantive meeting and confirmed that he will give instructions to the Belgian federal government to study new and constructive proposals.