Kazakh Ambassador visits technopoles in Walloon region, Belgium

BRUSSELS. December 28. KAZINFORM /Yerzhan Ospanov/ Within the framework of implementation of "Path to Europe" state program and the Strategy of industrial and innovation development of Kazakhstan Ambassador Yerik Utembayev has visited technopoles situated in the Walloon region of the Kingdom of Belgium.

In the course of the visit, organized in assistance with the Walloon Export and Foreign Investment Agency (AWEX), the head of the diplomatic mission held meetings with Director General of Nanocyl Francis Massin and Member of the Board, Chief Executive Officer of DNAVision Jean-Pol Detiffe.

Nanocyl Company engaged in developments in the nanotechnologies sphere was created in 2002. The company, which has about 50 employees, is among world leaders and joined Association of Carbon Nanotubes in Europe (PACTE) and European Chemical Industry Council (CEFIC).

DNAVision Company was created in 2004. The main directions of its activity are study of human genome for medicine and research in the sphere of molecular biology in cooperation with the ULB Brussels University.

Y.Utembayev informed of the policy of Kazakhstan's economy diversification, which is oriented to high-technology manufacture and production with high value added, and of attention, which is paid by the country's leadership to development of scientific-technical potential. There was paid special attention to "Path to Europe", Strategy of industrial and innovation development and Strategy of Kazakhstan's accession in the top 50 competitive states.

The Nanocyl and DNAVision representatives welcomed the Kazakh Embassy's initiative on expansion of cooperation.

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