14:44, 21 February 2021 | GMT +6
Kazakh capital hosts winter triathlon competitions
NUR-SULTAN. KAZINFORM Today the Triathlon Park of Nur-Sultan played a host to the individual winter triathlon competitions among amateurs and professionals, dated to the 30th anniversary of Independence of Kazakhstan, Kazinform reports.
The event was organized by the city administration and triathlon federation.
The races brought together above 200 triathletes from all over the country. The winners will be awarded on February 23-25 at the city triathlon federation’s office.
The main aim is to develop triathlon, cycling, track, skiing, to promulgate healthy lifestyle,and attract wider population to go in for sports.
Notably, all the money raised will be channeled to support the Salamatty bolashak social project, Sport for All of the World of Equal Opportunities fund.