20:05, 20 March 2014 | GMT +5
Kazakh Education Ministry to punish teachers for giving pupils homosexual tales for reading
ASTANA. KAZINFORM - The Ministry of Education and Science has promised to punish the teachers responsible for the incident when the third-grade pupils in one of the schools of Uralsk were mistakenly given fairy tales for adults (18+) as an extracurricular reading task, this was announced by Vice - Minister of Education and Science of Kazakhstan Esengazy Imangaliyev.
Mr Imangaliyev explained that author of fairy tales for kids Zoya Petrova was confused with the author of books for adults Sionella Petrova. (In Russian language, the names of the authors often tend to come as initials, Z.Petrova or S.Petrova). Investigation of the incident involved the representatives of the Ministry of Education and Science, said Imangaliyev. It bears to remind that the case of tales about homosexual love became known after parents of the pupils got acquainted with children's homework.