Kazakh Embassy held workshop on OSCE chairmanship and “Path to Europe” program in Brussels

BRUSSELS. December 23. KAZINFORM /Yerzhan Ospanov/ The Kazakh Embassy in Brussels held workshop "Economic opportunities in light of Kazakhstan's OSCE chairmanship and implementation of "Path to Europe" State Program for further strengthening of mutually beneficial cooperation". Representatives of the institutions of the European Union and business community of Belgium, including regional agencies on development of export and investments AWEX and FIT took part in the workshop.

Kazakh Ambassador to the EU, NATO, Belgium and Luxemburg Yerik Utembayev presented the key directions of "Path to Europe" program, the main goals of the Kazakhstan' OSCE chairmanship and informed on social, economic and political reforms in Kazakhstan.

EU Special Representative for Central Asia Pierre Morel stressed the complementarity of the EU Strategy for Central Asia and the state program "Path to Europe". He paid special attention to great potential and prospects for cooperation of the EU with Kazakhstan as the key partner in the region, complimenting the commanding lead of our country in Central Asia.

Cooperation in the field of education and science was discussed as well. Y.Utembayev noted that the integration into the world educational space is one of the main dimensions in the Kazakh policy. Active work on accession of our country to the Bologna process is underway. Complimenting the efforts of our country on this direction, the Rector of "Howest" University spoke for deepening of partnership in the education and expressed readiness to close cooperation with Kazakh highest educational institutions, including the cooperation within "Bolashak" program.

Upon the results of the workshop the participants supported the idea on establishment of the Kazakh-Belgian business community for big companies and institutions of both countries. Such community could become and economic union, providing mutual interests and active attraction of new large European companies to investing in Kazakhstan in the future.

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