Kazakh FM speaks at the Council of CIS Foreign Ministers

ASTANA. KAZINFORM - The proposal of President Nursultan Nazarbayev on the introduction of a single supranational world currency could become a major and effective measure to deal with the global economic instability, said Minister of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan Erlan Idrissov.

According to his words, the introduction of a single supranational currency and, as a consequence, radical renewal of the global financial architecture, is a fundamental condition for global sustainable development and efficient measure to deal with the global economic instability. The head of the Kazakh Ministry of Foreign Affairs reminded the audience about the key initiatives of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan made at the UNGA. In particular, Nursultan Nazarbayev proposed to develop a plan for global strategic initiative "2045" which task will be releasing the world of the threat of war. The meeting has discussed a wide range of the CIS member-states cooperation in the international sphere. The foreign ministers approved the draft statements of the CIS heads of states made on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the United Nations, fight against international terrorism, as well as 30th anniversary of the Chernobyl disaster. In addition the session approved the draft plan of events dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the Commonwealth of Independent States, the Action Plan for 2016-2017 on implementation of the Strategy of International Youth Cooperation for the period up to 2020, as well as the Action Plan for 2016-2018 to implement the Strategy for the Development of Physical Culture and Sports of the CIS up to 2020.

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