Kazakh Foreign Minister took part in 19th OSCE Ministerial Council Meeting

Mr. Chairperson,
Ladies and Gentleman,
At the outset I would like to thank the Irish OSCE Chairmanship for organizing this Ministerial Meeting here in Dublin in an excellent manner.
This year has paved the way towards Euro-Atlantic and Eurasian security community that was agreed to at the Astana Summit two years ago.
The approach of building blocks adopted by the Irish Chairmanship proved to be efficient. One of those blocks is indeed accession of Mongolia. This step strengthens the OSCE, expands its Eurasian vision and visibility, and raises the Organization's profile globally. My country has supported Mongolia's aspiration to join the OSCE since the very beginning at the Astana Summit. We are confident that Mongolia will contribute to the regional security, and addressing common threats and challenges. We welcome wholeheartedly Mongolia to the OSCE family.
No doubt that launching the Helsinki plus 40 processes would be a key outcome of this Ministerial Meeting.
During the Kazakhstan's Chairmanship participating States set new dynamics in the Organization. We see the Helsinki plus 40 processes as a way of building on this dynamics and identifying a strategic course for the future. It should give us a clear and shared set of objectives in realizing the vision of Euro-Atlantic and Eurasian security community. It would also give us an opportune moment to take stock of our achievements and failures. We should give clear guidance to our next three Chairmanships (Ukraine, Switzerland, Serbia), as well as to the FSC, on the desired course of action and outcomes that we expect until the end of 2015.
At this point I may identify the most relevant unfinished business, the task that our Heads of State and Government gave us at the Astana Summit - to develop and adopt the Framework for Actions. Specific issues among others that should be addressed in the next three years are an update of the OSCE principles on non-proliferation, economic and environment cooperation, reform of the OSCE including its legal status, and implementation of the UNSCR 1325 on "Women, Peace and Security".
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