Kazakh Foreign Ministry sums up outcomes of Turkic Council Summit

The Kazakh foreign ministry spokesman spoke of the work done to establish the Turkic Investment and Integration Fund, noting that the initiative was proposed by First President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev on September 11, 2015, at the fifth Summit of the Turkic Council in Kazakhstan. The Fund, the creation of which was backed by all member States at the time, aims at implementing projects through joint efforts in the trade and economic sphere, attracting investments, enhancing economic integration of the member States, and mutual assistance.
To that end, according to him, many meetings took place during several years, with the necessary documents being under preparation.
«Kazakhstan is a supporter of joint mutually beneficial projects regarding trans-border rivers with neighboring States, including the members of the Turkic Council,» he said, noting that regular talks regarding the issue are held on a regular basis.
He went on to say that the Summit resulted in the adoption of the Turkestan Declaration, which outlines the areas of work and necessary measures.
In addition, the Heads of State supported the initiatives of First President of Kazakhstan – Elbasy Nursultan Nazarbayev on the Council’s status and elevating it to the status of an organization, and the importance of adopting the strategic document Turkic Vision – 2040, to be adopted at the next Summit due to take place this fall in Turkey.
During the Summit it was tasked to hold joint events marking the anniversaries of prominent people, who greatly contributed to the development of literature, art, and science of the Turkic world, including the 175th anniversary of Kazakh poet Zhambyl Zhabayev and the 155th anniversary of Kazakh public figure Alikhan Bokeikhanov.