Kazakh Government approves plan for N Kazakhstan rgn's social and economic development

The comprehensive plan for social and economic development of North Kazakhstan region has to be updated by the Government and North Kazakhstan region’s administration in keeping with the instruction given by the Head of State. KZT2tln has been provided to fund the plan, much of which is private investments.
The Kazakh Government Head noted that private investments would allow implementing new projects, creating quality workplaces, and establishing a new economic structure.
According to the PM, preliminary estimates show that if implemented the plan would help increase the amount of manufacturing and agricultural production by 1.5fold, ensure the gross regional production to rise to 5.2%. The plan allows for new growth points and the greater infrastructure.
In general, the region will receive a new impetus for social and economic development, with 26 thousand highly qualitative jobs in place.
The plan is also said to improve the standards of life of the people, thus, stabilizing the migration processes within the region as well as creating additional conditions for the youth to not leave the region and attract specialists, which will also be facilitated by active development of the fields of education and health.