Kazakh Government discusses Bakhty-Ayagoz railway and gas processing plant construction

The state economic modernization commission chaired by Kazakh Prime Minister Alikhan Smailov debated the measures for the development of a number of large investment projects in Kazakhstan, Kazinform learnt from the Prime Minister’s press service.

Prime Minister
Photo: primeminister.kz

Those attending focused on the construction of the 270 km-long Bakhty-Ayagoz railway which is called to significantly increase the country’s transport and transit potential, and the construction of an agro-processing logistics hub in Almaty in cooperation with a French company. The brand-new diversified centre for fresh fruits and vegetables, meat, dairy, and fish products sales will open as part of the G4City project development.

Besides, they debated the pressing issues concerning the construction of a gas processing plant on the Kashagan oilfield to produce no less than 700 million cubic meters of liquified gas a year.

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