14:32, 10 June 2014 | GMT +5
Kazakh Government to optimize six sectoral programs
ASTANA. KAZINFORM - The Government of Kazakhstan is planning to optimize six of existing sectoral programs, Minister of Regional Development Bolat Zhamishev announced at a press conference of the Central Communications Service on Tuesday.

In his words, six of the existing sectoral programs will be tacked together into two program documents: the Business Roadmap-2020 that covers all instruments for business support and the draft program of Regions Development for 2020 that includes the Affordable Housing-2020, the Housing and Public Utilities Modernization, the Ak-Bulak and the Single-Industry Cities Development programs. "The single program of regions development will help systematize all issues, figures and indicators from separate documents," Minister Zhamishev explained. According to him, the draft program will also define new priorities for the future.