Kazakh Head of State holds meeting with QazaqGaz chairman Sanzhar Zharkeshov

Photo: Akorda

Kazakh Head of State Kassym-Jomart Tokayev received chairman of the board of QazaqGaz Sanzhar Zharkeshov, Kazinform News Agency cites Akorda.

During the meeting, Zharkeshov briefed the Kazakh President about the outcomes of the work of the national company for 2023 as well as familiarized him with the plans for the upcoming period.

He spoke about the realization of the large-scale infrastructure projects, new directions of Kashagan gas processing, as well as attraction of investments in the gas sector to the tune of 12 billion US dollars.

Zharkeshov said the major gas pipelines worth 400 billion tenge that are of social and economic importance to the region’s development have been built and put into service.

As for the gasification work, the QazaqGaz chairman said that gas has been connected to 112 settlements in 11 regions, so providing access of 213 thousand people to gas. Last year, the company subsidized gas prices in the domestic market for 175 billion tenge.

The President was also informed about the commissioning of the new gas field Anabai as well as the works to develop the gas resource base. The measures taken allowed to increase the gas supplies to the domestic market by 19%.

During the meeting, President Tokayev gave instructions aimed at comprehensive development of the gas sector, including stable gas supplies to the domestic market, expansion of resource base, addressing the systemic problems of the sector as well as improving its investment attractiveness.

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