Kazakh-Iranian business forum held in Shymkent

It is the second meeting of businessmen and representatives of the two countries' powers in such format - the first forum was held last year. The meeting gave its results - new joint enterprises were opened. It is trading houses, where the Iranian and Kazakh production is represented in equal measure. But in the process of the Customs Union Kazakhstan's economy will change, and the Iranian businessmen should coordinate their cooperation approaches. "We acknowledge that the Iranian goods will be less competitive with the Customs Union creation. And the only way for the Iranian goods presence in Kazakhstan is joint enterprises creation and complementary articles supply. And Iran focuses on it at present", Chairman of the Trade Committee of the Kazakh Ministry of Industry and Trade Aidar Kazybayev said.
The two countries' trade turnover grows every year. In 2008 it made up USD 602 mln. "We buy grain, asbestos, metal goods, cotton, production of oil and gas and metallurgical industry from Kazakhstan. But now our country is interested in searck of investment projects in Kazakhstan for their implementation", the Deputy Minister of Commerce of Iran said.
Aidar Kazybayev emphasized that Kazakhstan creates all conditions for manufacturers. They can be used by the Iranian businessmen as well.