Kazakh IT students outshine seven-time world champions

318 teams of all CIS universities on December 2 participated in the final round of the international programming competition among student teams in Northern Eurasia that took place simultaneously in St. Petersburg, Barnaul, Almaty, and Tbilisi. Having solved 8 of 13 tasks, IITU team consisting of Temirlan Satylkhanov, Abay Baimukanov, Aibar Kuanyshbay, won the gold medal of the North Eurasia region, came in 4th in the CIS and 1st in Kazakhstan. Therefore, they reached the world finals to be held in April in Portugal.
"This is an incredible success as the International IT University won over ITMO University, a seven-time world programming champion!" says Damir Shynybekov, the Rector of IITU.
In addition, the team of the Kazakh-British Technical University performed well in the final round by finishing 14th in the CIS and 2nd in Kazakhstan. Also, the Nazarbayev University team was 81st and 3rd in CIS and Kazakhstan, respectively.
For now, IITU's results are considered to be the best in the CIS region over the past five years.
According to Damir Shynybekov, "the programming Olympiad movement is a very crucial area for talented youth as it creates a bridge for employment in the world's best companies. The graduates of the Olympic Training Center, ACM ICPC participants are currently working at Google, Facebook, Booking, Silicon Valley amidst global digitalization of all aspects of life. Such large-scale, global intellectual competitions getting particularly important.".