Kazakh major rail carrier to keep prices at bay amid tenge adjustment

ASTANA. KAZINFORM - CEO of Kazakhstan's leading rail carrier "Passazhirskiye perevozki" JSC Mr. Yermek Tulegenov has confirmed today the recent national currency adjustment will not affect the prices for rail tickets.

"We do not intend to revise prices upwards due to tenge adjustment," Y.Tulegenov said during the Thursday press briefing at the Central Communications Service in Astana.

He also added that domestic railway transport is in great demand with the population of Kazakhstan. "Nearly 20 450 000 passengers made use of our services in 2013. We provided 1 675 000 customers with our services in January 2014," he noted.

According to Mr. Tulegenov, the passenger turnover totaled 1 291 000 000 pkm in January 2014, that is 3% more than in 2013.

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