18:58, 29 April 2009 | GMT +5
Kazakh Minister for Agriculture visits Akmola region
ASTANA. April 29. KAZINFORM. Kazakh Minister for Agriculture Akhylbek Kurishbayev has arrived in Akmola region to explicate the Kazakh President?s Address to the Nation ?Through Crisis to Renovation and Prosperity?; Kazinform refers to the Ministry?s press service.

The Minister met with the local authorities, visited ?Kamyshenka? LLC, ?Aknur-A? butter factory and ?Bastau? cattle breeding farm. In Atbassar district A. Kurishbayev held a sitting of the issues of the spring sowing campaign.
According to the Minister, in his annual address the President noted the necessity to develop agrarian sector of economy further, as its development allows to realize two important tasks of the country ? ensure food security and diversify export. In this context the Government takes measures on promotion of agro-industrial complex of Kazakhstan.
The main task in farming industry is to diversify the branch, ensure grassland chemicalization using water resources saving technologies, increase oil crop and horticultural production. As for the cattle breeding, the main task is to develop the branch through creation of middle and large commercial farms, implement a large-scale selective breeding program.
Implementation of ?Drink Water? sectorial program continues as well. Over KZT 30 billion was allocated for it.