10:00, 11 March 2009 | GMT +5
Kazakh Ministry of Education and Science, People?s Assembly of Kazakhstan signed Joint Work Plan
ASTANA. March 11. KAZINFORM Kazakh Minister of Education and Science Zhanseit Tuimebayev and Deputy Chairman of the People?s Assembly of Kazakhstan Yeraly Tugzhanov signed Joint Work Plan in the sphere of interethnic relations, Kazinform refers to the press service of the Youth Policy Department of the Kazakh Ministry of Education and Science.
The main purpose of the Plan is promotion of cooperation of authorized agencies in realization of the state policy in the sphere of interethnic relations in the economic crisis.
The Plan was developed in order to support the President?s Address to the People?s Assembly of Kazakhstan, all political structures of the country, scientific and creative intellectuals. It appeals to contribute to preservation of the unity of people and social optimism of the citizens during the difficult period of the history, take an active citizenship in the explanation of the antirecessionary program. In this context great role and responsibility is laid on the young generation as well.
Holding of meetings with different targeted audiences of the youth, aimed at the explanation of the President?s Address, international conferences within the activity of the Scientific-Expert Council of the Assembly, youth campaigns devoted to the Day of State Symbols are planned within the realization of the signed Plan.
The Plan consists of three main block of activities ? organization-practical, information and research, including the measures on promotion of the necessity to study the State language, patriotism among the youth and it is aimed at the implementation of the President's errands.