13:16, 07 February 2012 | GMT +6
Kazakh National Action Plan on Human Rights a progressive document, experts say
ASTANA. February 7. KAZINFORM /Askar Bimendin/ During the years of independence Kazakhstan has done a lot to strengthen guarantees of protection of human rights and freedoms, Natalia Zarudnaya, Head of OSCE Center in Astana said at a roundtable on presentation of the Review of Implementation of the 2009-2012 National Action Plan on Human Rights on Tuesday in Astana.
Kazakhstan ratified international documents on human rights, formed the legislative framework and institutional mechanisms. Kazakhstan fully cooperates with international organizations such as the OSCE and the UN on national reports on human rights, providing information on the human rights situation in the country, Zarudnaya noted.
In this context, two and a half years ago, Kazakhstan adopted the National Action Plan on Human Rights, which is quite a progressive document, as international experts say. The document reflects a wide range of issues - from the right to life and freedom from torture to the legal education of the population, the OSCE representative emphasized.