Kazakh National Bank issues commemorative coins

A coin Q.Qasteev Búrkitshi continues the series of coins «The Fine Arts of Kazakhstan», designed to popularize a wealth of our national culture and to reveal the full range of trends in the fine arts of Kazakhstan.
The coin reflects a painting Abylkhan Qasteev, People’s Artist of the Kazakh SSR, Honored Artist of the Kazakh SSR. It depicts a hunter with a golden eagle.
Coins are made of silver using color printing technology. The mintage is 1000 pieces.
Coins I. Jansúgirov. 125 jyl, S. Seifýllin. 125 jyl, B. Mailin. 125 jyl, T. Rysqulov. 125 jyl are dedicated to the 125th anniversary of the outstanding personalities of the Kazakh history.
Ilyas Jansugurov is a classic of the Kazakh literature, poet. He is the first chairman of the Writers Union of Kazakhstan.
Saken Seifullin is the founder of modern Kazakh literature, poet, writer and statesman. Seifullin is the founder of the Writers Union of Kazakhstan
Beimbet Mailin is the Kazakh writer and playwright.
Turar Rysqulov is a prominent political and statesman.